Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ghost of Christmas on Park Avenue

In the 1950's Al and Myrtle built a new house on Park Avenue in Oil City. That house always held a great deal of interest for me, from the pink flamengos in the bathroom; the lake scene with the girl in the bikini in Grandpa's bedroom; the great basement with the pine paneling, and the ping pong table; the satin pillows on the back of the gold sofa in the living room; and at Christmas the amazing silver Christmas Tree with the rotating multi-color spot light! It is funny that I have seen those silver trees for sale in stores this year. Like bell-bottoms, I never thought I would see those come back into style! But the sight of them brought back very fond memories of Grandpa and Grandma Redmond!

The pictures of the Christmas meal at Grandpa and Grandma Redmond's house probably took place in the early 60s after Terry and Bobbie were married. Going around the table from left to right, Grandma Redmond, Ethel, Todd, Sharyn, Betsy, Dale, Lois, Dick, Grandpa Redmond or Bob.

This wouldn't be complete without pictures of Grandma and Grandpa Redmond's silver Christmas Tree.

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