Beyond the names and dates, here are the stories that bring my family to life.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
"Dorothy!" called Polly Parrot

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Two Family Birthdays on December 29th
"Two?" you say. Why yes, two. Of course 29 December [2009] was Betsy's birthday--certainly a milestone birthday, but I was taught never to divulge a woman's age--at least not for the living... but the other, also a woman, would have been 130 years old on the 29th--and she is certainly not living. But first, a very happy, slightly belated, birthday to you Aunt Betsy; hope you had a great day and have a wonderful new year.

So how many children did Claudia and Sam have? Well, some of you may remember Grandma Redmond's brother Clyde who lived in Erie (his children and grandchildren still live there) and you may remember a mention of another brother Carl, but there where others. The oldest child was Charles Hunter Thomas who died at the age of 19 in November of 1918 of the Spanish Influenza which killed millions worldwide. Until recently that was all I knew about, but it appears that there were at least two others who died young, a son Ralph and a daughter Viola, both younger than Grandma Redmond. Chances are they also died of the Spanish Flu, but don't know for sure.
So I bet you are still wondering about the comment that she was called the meanest woman in the world. That comment is attributed to her very own husband Sam Thomas and may explain why Grandma Redmond married when she was 14 or 15 years old (which contrary to myth marrying that young was not the norm). I don't know any specifics of why Sam said that about his dear wife, but I do know that they were divorced in September of 1922 and two days later, Claudia remarried a guy by the name of Frank Ball in Tionesta, PA (Sam also remarried, but that is a story for another time). I don't know much about Frank. I have heard references to him being anything from an "evangelist" to a "drinker" which might explain why Claudia wasn't around very much. But what I do know is that Frank worked in a boiler factory in Erie, PA which is where Claudia and Frank lived and died, Claudia in 1952 at the age of 72.
Whew! I certainly didn't mean to go on so long, but who would have known that Grandma Redmond's family was such a soap opera. But just wait until to you hear about Grandpa Redmond's family--talk about drama and intrigue!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Ghost of Christmas at Rocky Grove

Our family has come along way and while many are no longer with us, those memories remain, and we now have the hope of a new generation. So Merry Christmas Eve to all of you!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Ghost of Christmas at Bobbie's Open House

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Ghost of Christmas at Bobbie's in Seneca

Monday, December 21, 2009
Ghost of Christmas in Seneca
Bob and Ethel moved to Main Street, Seneca in 1942. A lot of Christmas' where celebrated in that house over the years. So many memories. One of my favorite Christmas pictures is the one of Bob, Betsy, Todd, Bobbie, and Terry at the Christmas Tree, taken around 1956.
Next we move ahead to about 1977 (based on how old Kory was); it was the advent of the artificial Christmas tree with the gold silk ornaments; remember the silver velour couch and love seat (although it looks gold in the picture); the "cherry picker" picker lamps that Grandma Reese made; and the fire place which had the changing season's picture above it--although it looks like Grandpa didn't change to the winter scene that year; and Betsy's dog Buffy and Todd's dog--what was his name? Was it Dusty--not to be confused with Dukie, that black dog of Todd's which as I remember it only snared at us kids...
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Ghost of Christmas on Park Avenue

The pictures of the Christmas meal at Grandpa and Grandma Redmond's house probably took place in the early 60s after Terry and Bobbie were married. Going around the table from left to right, Grandma Redmond, Ethel, Todd, Sharyn, Betsy, Dale, Lois, Dick, Grandpa Redmond or Bob.
This wouldn't be complete without pictures of Grandma and Grandpa Redmond's silver Christmas Tree.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Ghost of Christmas Past

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Childhood Memories of Thanksgiving
I have looked through all of the photographs that I have for the perfect Thanksgiving picture to share with all of you. I have lots of family birthday parties, picnics, Christmases, but only one that is of a Thanksgiving gathering taken in 1993 at Aunt Lois and Uncle Dick's. Cherie and I did not make it home that year and Aunt Lois noted on the back of the picture that Gregg and Malinda were there but had not arrived when the picture was taken. I have also included one of my favorite family pictures, a picture of a Redmond family gathering taken probably about 1957. I don't really know the occasion or were the picture was taken--Great-grandma Redmond's? But everyone was there (Grandpa Reese must have taken the picture). Enjoy!
I thought the lack of Thanksgiving pictures strange because when you think of Thanksgiving, I believe that more than any other holiday--even Christmas, we think of family. So why so precious few pictures? I didn't really have an answer to that, but it got me thinking of the Thanksgivings of my childhood. I have lots of memories, but surprisingly, they don't seem to be of any one Thanksgiving, but collective of all of them:
I remember Thanksgivings at Grandma Reese's--always at Grandma Reese's;
I remember Great-granddad and Grandma Redmond being there, and Aunt Lois and Uncle Dick, Todd, Betsy, Terry, Donna, Gregg, Brian, Kim, and later Kory;
I remember sitting at the kids' table in the living room or at that old light green picnic table and benches placed at the end of the dining room table (it was crowded but we were all together so it didn't seem to matter);
I remember Grandpa saying the prayer "...bless this food to the good of our bodies", but Thanksgiving was special so unlike every other Sunday dinner prayer, we held hands;
I remember Grandma's homemade rolls and pies (I don't recall anything specific about the turkey or the stuffing or the potatoes--Brian, didn't you like the stuffing?);
I remember that there was always a big deal made by the bottle of Heinz ketchup on the table for my dad to put on his mashed potatoes;
I remember coffee being served with the meal and Grandma's white teapot "with the diamonds" that was on the table for dessert (and how the tea was never strong enough--the first cup always got poured back in);
I remember how the women cleaned up in the kitchen afterward, while the men went to the living room to watch football--but it wasn't too long before they were asleep in the recliners (now we know that triptephan in the turkey is a natural sedative so they couldn't help it, right?);
I remember how Grandpa fell asleep with a cigar in his mouth;
I remember how Kim, Gregg, Brian and I would find something to do whether it be games, climbing through the closet in the living room that went into Grandma and Grandpa's bedroom, or "exploring" in the upstairs (I don't remember ever going outside?);
I remember picking at the leftovers when we eventually got hungry later in the day--I always went for another piece of pumpkin pie.
Thanks for indulging me while I recount of my childhood Thanksgiving memories. I would really love to hear your memories of Thanksgivings whether they be from Great-grandma Redmond's, Grandma Reese's, or elsewhere. Feel free to share with everyone on the email--it might bring back a good memory to someone else in the family.
I pray that you all have a most blessed Thanksgiving with pleasant memories from the past and future memory-making moments this year!
I thought the lack of Thanksgiving pictures strange because when you think of Thanksgiving, I believe that more than any other holiday--even Christmas, we think of family. So why so precious few pictures? I didn't really have an answer to that, but it got me thinking of the Thanksgivings of my childhood. I have lots of memories, but surprisingly, they don't seem to be of any one Thanksgiving, but collective of all of them:
I remember Thanksgivings at Grandma Reese's--always at Grandma Reese's;
I remember Great-granddad and Grandma Redmond being there, and Aunt Lois and Uncle Dick, Todd, Betsy, Terry, Donna, Gregg, Brian, Kim, and later Kory;
I remember sitting at the kids' table in the living room or at that old light green picnic table and benches placed at the end of the dining room table (it was crowded but we were all together so it didn't seem to matter);
I remember Grandpa saying the prayer "...bless this food to the good of our bodies", but Thanksgiving was special so unlike every other Sunday dinner prayer, we held hands;
I remember Grandma's homemade rolls and pies (I don't recall anything specific about the turkey or the stuffing or the potatoes--Brian, didn't you like the stuffing?);
I remember that there was always a big deal made by the bottle of Heinz ketchup on the table for my dad to put on his mashed potatoes;
I remember coffee being served with the meal and Grandma's white teapot "with the diamonds" that was on the table for dessert (and how the tea was never strong enough--the first cup always got poured back in);
I remember how the women cleaned up in the kitchen afterward, while the men went to the living room to watch football--but it wasn't too long before they were asleep in the recliners (now we know that triptephan in the turkey is a natural sedative so they couldn't help it, right?);
I remember how Grandpa fell asleep with a cigar in his mouth;
I remember how Kim, Gregg, Brian and I would find something to do whether it be games, climbing through the closet in the living room that went into Grandma and Grandpa's bedroom, or "exploring" in the upstairs (I don't remember ever going outside?);
I remember picking at the leftovers when we eventually got hungry later in the day--I always went for another piece of pumpkin pie.
Thanks for indulging me while I recount of my childhood Thanksgiving memories. I would really love to hear your memories of Thanksgivings whether they be from Great-grandma Redmond's, Grandma Reese's, or elsewhere. Feel free to share with everyone on the email--it might bring back a good memory to someone else in the family.
I pray that you all have a most blessed Thanksgiving with pleasant memories from the past and future memory-making moments this year!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
It's Rabbit Season...
November in Pennsylvania can mean only one thing--men and women alike don blaze orange and take to the fields and woods in search of furry or feathered creatures to bring home for dinner. It reminds me of my favorite Warner Bros. cartoon where Daffy schemes to have Bugs taken out by the fiercest of hunters Elmer Fudd by placing signs all over the forest that it is "Rabbit Season"; Bugs retaliates by convincing Fudd that Daffy is actually the target of his pursuits and Daffy get blasted by Elmer's rifle over and over and over again. Of course this cartoon is no longer deemed appropriate so it is no longer on TV and rarely found in the Warner Bros. Box Sets (of which I admit have several).
But I digress... Here are a couple photos of those mighty hunters Bob and Ethel in their Pennsylvania Tuxedos in search of what's for dinner. My guess it was the pheasant which was stuffed and hung on the wall in their dining room all the years I was growing up. Hey Gregg or Brian, do either of you have the pheasant? Did anyone ever give it a name?
But I digress... Here are a couple photos of those mighty hunters Bob and Ethel in their Pennsylvania Tuxedos in search of what's for dinner. My guess it was the pheasant which was stuffed and hung on the wall in their dining room all the years I was growing up. Hey Gregg or Brian, do either of you have the pheasant? Did anyone ever give it a name?
Monday, November 9, 2009
Seventy Years Ago--November 9, 1939
November 9 [2009] is the 70th Anniversary of Bob and Ethel Reese' wedding. The first picture is their wedding picture and the second is a picture taken for their 30th Wedding Anniversary. They were married in the home of Grandpa and Grandma Redmond by Rev. Hazlett of the Hasson Heights United Presbyterian Church at 12 noon. The second photo includes the attendants Aunt Hazel and Bob's cousin Don Reese. Grandma's wedding dress was "wine transparent velvet" and her flowers were yellow rosebuds and trailing arbutus. (Somewhere there is a colorized copy of the wedding picture--if anyone has it I would really like to get a copy of it!)
The photo below was taken for Bob and Ethel's 30th Wedding Anniversary.
At the time of their marriage in 1939, Ethel worked at W. T. Grant's in Oil City. For those who remember old northside Oil City, Grants was the "5 and 10" store that was located where Northwest Saving building is now, next to Woolworth, the other "5 and 10" in town. Bob started our post-high school life as a chemist at the United Refinery located just outside Oil City on Route 8 going to Rouseville. Yes a chemist. Going through Grandpa's papers when we cleaned out his house, I found several certificates for correspondence courses he had taken. It appears that he was interested in going to school (a college or some technical school) for chemistry or engineering. But as we know he established a very successful radiator repair business in Franklin.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Do you see the resemblance?
I can hear the gasps of horror as you gaze upon these scary souls. But before you laugh too hard look deep into their faces for something familiar because you do share DNA with this pair--even though their DNA now rests six feet under (in the Dempseytown Cemetery). This husband and wife duo (yes one of them is a woman) are Jacob Baum and Elizabeth Mark Baum.
Jacob and Elizabeth were Pennsylvania Germans who were born and raised in eastern Pennsylvana, Jacob in 1795 and Elizabeth in 1794; They were married in the near where State College is today and moved to Venango County around 1840. Jacob owned about 100 acres at Dempseytown (as you come to Dempseytown from Oil City, you will see a huge junk yard and school bus lot on the right--that is roughly where the farm was). Jacob died in 1865 and Elizabeth died in 1875.
We are all descendants of this pair through Grandma Redmond who was their great-great granddaughter. So for Terry, Bobbie, Todd, Betsy, Roger, Sharyn, and Dale, Jacob and Elizabeth would be your great-great-great-great-grandparents. Add a great for Gregg, Brian, Kipp, Kim, Kory, Tia, Erik; and a total of 6 greats for Perry, Katie, Josie, Amanda, Kyle, Kaylyn and Chase.
Happy Halloween!
P.S. A bit of trivia for Gregg, Brian, and Kim: the person who owned the original photos, Mrs. Sara Williams, passed away last week, as the age of 91. She was married to a descendant of the Baums, and lived in Dempseytown, not far from the original Baum farm. I visited with her about 20 years ago and she let me copy the pictures--along with a lot of others. The trivia part is that Mrs. Williams was the mother of our 4th grade teacher at Steffee Elementary, Mr. Eugene Williams. Remember Mr. Williams--he was a great teacher. So Mr. Williams is our cousin, 3rd cousin, 2 times removed to be exact. He is living in Texas--I don't think he is teaching any more. Small world... smaller all the time.
Jacob and Elizabeth were Pennsylvania Germans who were born and raised in eastern Pennsylvana, Jacob in 1795 and Elizabeth in 1794; They were married in the near where State College is today and moved to Venango County around 1840. Jacob owned about 100 acres at Dempseytown (as you come to Dempseytown from Oil City, you will see a huge junk yard and school bus lot on the right--that is roughly where the farm was). Jacob died in 1865 and Elizabeth died in 1875.
We are all descendants of this pair through Grandma Redmond who was their great-great granddaughter. So for Terry, Bobbie, Todd, Betsy, Roger, Sharyn, and Dale, Jacob and Elizabeth would be your great-great-great-great-grandparents. Add a great for Gregg, Brian, Kipp, Kim, Kory, Tia, Erik; and a total of 6 greats for Perry, Katie, Josie, Amanda, Kyle, Kaylyn and Chase.
Happy Halloween!
P.S. A bit of trivia for Gregg, Brian, and Kim: the person who owned the original photos, Mrs. Sara Williams, passed away last week, as the age of 91. She was married to a descendant of the Baums, and lived in Dempseytown, not far from the original Baum farm. I visited with her about 20 years ago and she let me copy the pictures--along with a lot of others. The trivia part is that Mrs. Williams was the mother of our 4th grade teacher at Steffee Elementary, Mr. Eugene Williams. Remember Mr. Williams--he was a great teacher. So Mr. Williams is our cousin, 3rd cousin, 2 times removed to be exact. He is living in Texas--I don't think he is teaching any more. Small world... smaller all the time.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
It's almost Holloween...

Enjoy, and stay tune for the most frightening pictures you have ever seen...
Saturday, October 10, 2009
So who is this handsome family?
This is a great picture of the Redmond family taken about 1930.
From left to right: Al Redmond holding Lois, Ethel, Hazel, and Myrtle.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
So Who Is the Baby?
The baby in the saddle bag is Terry--the bike was Bob's Harley. Here are two companion pics showing Terry on the bike with Bob and Ethel...
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